Thursday, April 27, 2006

Gabriel Can Sit!

That's right, baby, if at first you don't succeed...

...try again until you get it right!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Early Morning Gabriel

Gabriel now likes to wake up early. Rise and shine!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Gabriel's Night Out

On April 8, Gabriel went to a close family's wedding party and met Aunt Fenty and Uncle Saut.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Trouble Sleeping

Little Gabriel had trouble sleeping last night. He woke up every two hours. Maybe it's just a baby thing. And always, in times like that... Mommy knows best.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Gabriel is now six-month-old!

Yup! Our baby boy is getting bigger everyday. And on April 4, 2006, he turns six... month-old. Way to go, Gabriel! Daddy and Mommy prepares this to remember that you are here as the angel by our sides!

How It Started

Daddy and Mommy met on May 28, 1998.

Happily Ever After

And then they decided to make it official on January 22, 2005.

Welcome to the World, Baby!

On October 4, 2005 Daddy burst into tears to see his angel for the first time. And nothing can describe the smile on Mommy's face when the doctors showed her the little angel.

All Smiles

Daddy and Mommy named him Gabriel Stanza October, the angel that brings news of happines and joy.

Home is Where Our Baby Is

We took him to our house and it is then really a place we call home.

The Eyes That Melt Our Hearts

Tired? Yes. But every sweat and sleepless night paid off when our little Gabriel opened his eyes and looked at Mommy and Daddy.

Where and Whom Gabriel Belongs

When two-month-old, Gabriel made his first visit to church and was baptized.

The Laughter

His first laugh was truly amazing.Simply beyond words.

Gabriel Got Moves

He grows and grows. Now he can even show off to Mommy and Daddy that he can do these:

You Are A Big Baby Now!

Gabriel, you are truly a blessing. Happy six-month-old, baby!

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